Trees and Hedgerows

Trees or Woodland Protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)
Check if a tree is protected and find out how to apply for permission to carry out works
Apply for Tree Works or to Remove a Hedgerow
For works to trees subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) or are in a Conservation Area, or if you intend to remove a hedgerow
Report a Problem with Grass, Hedges and Shrubs
Tell us about issues with grass, hedges and shrubs in our parks, countryside and open spaces.
Council Owned Trees
Ensuring trees on council land are safe
Trees in Conservation Areas
How to check if trees are in a conservation area and getting permission to carry out works
Hedges and Hedgerows
How to report a overgrown hedge or hedgerow and who is responsible
Our Tree Guides
Downloadable guides and links to further information on a range of tree and woodland-related matters