General Health Advice, Resources and Information

Preparing for Winter Weather
Advice to help you during the colder months, preparing for snow, ice, wind and wet winter weather.
General Health and Wellbeing Resources
Information and resources to help residents of West Berkshire to live well.
Health and Wellbeing in Schools Programme
Supporting the delivery of the West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
0 to 19 Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting and School Nursing)
Information on the Berkshire Healthcare Children, Young People and Families Service website about Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting and School Nursing) for children and young people ages 0 to 19.
Breastfeeding support
A link to the West Berkshire Community Breastfeeding Support Facebook page.
Emergency contraception in West Berkshire
Information about free emergency contraception, as well as the locations of pharmacies in West Berkshire that provide it.
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Information about council services, help and support for residents of West Berkshire.
New Residents: Health and Wellbeing Information
Information to help people who are new to West Berkshire to access further information about health and wellbeing.
Preparing for Hot Weather
Advice to help you plan ahead during the warmer months.
Information about Group A Streptococcus (GAS)
Find out about Strep A and Scarlet Fever and what to do if you are worried
Information about hepatitis C
Free and confidential home tests for hepatitis C now available via the NHS.