About Consultation and Engagement
Listening and responding to our communities through consultations and engagement
We think it's important that you have the opportunity to have your say in how we plan, prioritise and deliver services across the district. Your involvement enables us to better understand how changes impact on those in our communities, as well as how we can develop our services to better meet the needs and expectations of people in West Berkshire.
Consultation and Engagement Policy and Hub
outlines our approach and commitment to consultation and engagement. We use this to help us make sure that we collect the right information, and that our planning and decision-making is fair and transparent.Through our Consultation and Engagement Hub you can:
- Search for, read about and take part in current consultations and engagement exercises
- Find past consultations and engagement exercises, including their results
Community Panel
A number of residents across West Berkshire are getting involved in the decision-making of the council, and have agreed to share their opinions on issues of local importance.
Panel members are invited to contribute to any of our consultation and engagement exercises, eg through group discussions, answering surveys or participating in a webinar. As all members have agreed to take part, we can rely on a higher response rate, making consulting with our residents more cost effective.
Consultation and engagement exercises can take place on a wide variety of topics. These can range from where we site a bus stop, up to decisions about the provision of entire council services.
We will feed back from the discussions and how this will affect what we do by publishing the results on our Consultation and Engagement Hub.
If you're a West Berkshire resident and are interested in taking part, please complete the online application form.
If you are currently a panel member and wish to unsubscribe, please email the Performance, Research and Risk Team.
Any personal information you choose to provide will be kept confidential and used in accordance with our