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Hosehill Lake (Adobe pdf files) Lake Route 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Miles 464000 465000 466000 Start/Finish The Fox and Hounds car park, Sheffield Bottom, Sulhamstead RG7 4BE 464000 4650...
2024 - May - Spend over £500 (Excel documents) Service Expenditure category Narrative Date Net amount Supplier name Adult Social Care Employees Training 5/14/24 675.00 DAWN REVELL T/A DR TRAINING LTD ...
Hermitage Walk (Adobe pdf files) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Miles Hermitage Route 449500 450000 450500 Start/Finish: Church of the Holy Trinity, Marlston Road, Hermitage RG18 9SU 449500 450000 45050...
Animal Welfare During Emergencies after pets or animals if you need to leave your home because of an emergency.
Business Continuity your organisation continue to operate effectively after disruptive incidents.
Speed limits on local roads roads are West Berkshire Council responsible for? As the Local Traffic Authority, West Berkshire Council is responsible for determining speed limits for t...
Draft West Berkshire Statement of Gambling Principles 2025-2028 your say.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer User Voice Survey us about your experience.
Homes for Ukraine FAQs for Homes for Ukraine Scheme.
How to Become a Host about the Homes for Ukraine scheme.