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Local Access Forum access to the countryside through the Mid and West Berkshire Local Access Forum (LAF)
Public weighbridges a weighbridge if you need to weigh your van, lorry, trailer, tractor or other vehicle.
Privacy Notice - Adult Social Care (Adobe pdf files) No�ce This privacy notice sets out how West Berkshire District Council (the “Council”) will use your personal data and your rights in relation to that p...
CCTV in West Berkshire Libraries (Adobe pdf files) Notice This privacy notice sets out how West Berkshire District Council (the “Council”) will use your personal data, and your rights in relation to that...
Privacy Notice – Adult Social Care – Financial Assessment (Adobe pdf files) Notice This privacy notice sets out how West Berkshire District Council (the “Council”) will use your personal data, and your rights in relation to that...
Privacy Notice – Adult Social Care - Workforce Data Set (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We are required to collect and share d...
Privacy Notice - Alternative Provision and SEN (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect personal data to help us to...
Privacy Notice - Archaeology Service (Adobe pdf files) the data we process when you interact with the council's archaeology service
Privacy Notice - Brownfield Land Register (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we in the Planning and Transport Policy section of West Berkshire Council collect, store, protect, process an...
Privacy Notice - Berkshire Business Continuity Forum (BBCF) (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect personal data to help us to...