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Highway Improvement Programme Map (Adobe pdf files)[ Highway Improvement Programme 2024-25 Extent of works Reproduced from Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Of...
Highway Improvement Programme (Adobe pdf files) Improvement Programme
Winter Service Policy and Plan (Adobe pdf files) Winter Service Plan 2024/25 Environment Department We are committed to being accessible to everyone. If you require this document in an alternative form...
Form to request support completing Deputyship (Adobe pdf files) to apply for Deputyship West Berkshire Council’s Deputyship Team can offer support to complete Deputyship application forms. There is a cost of £408.00 ...
On-street Residents Electric Car Charge Points point locations, charges and requesting a new charge point.
Advocacy for Carers on advocacy for carers and how to access it
Adult Social Care Transitions Team Referral Form (Documents) Form for West Berkshire Transition cases Name: DOB / Age- Address: TeL No: NHS Number: GP Name/Surgery: Reason for referral: Summary of background hist...
Single Handed Care service person-centred assessment of an individual's moving and positioning needs with the aim to enable one carer to deliver their care.
Feeling Less Lonely if you, or someone you care for, feels isolated and lonely.
Extra Care Housing Schemes modern accommodation, on-site care and support facilities for people with a social care need