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Discretionary Rate Relief Application (Documents) Non-Domestic Rates Application Form Discretionary Rate Relief The reduction which you are seeking is awarded at the discretion of the Council. The Coun...
State Aid Declaration (Documents) AID State Aid Declaration State Aid
2020/21 Retail Discount Application (Documents)* Finance and Property West Berkshire Council Council Offices Market Street Newbury Berkshire RG14 5LD Our Ref: Please ask for: Business Rates Direct Line: 0163...
Council Tax Charges 2020/21 (Excel documents) Parish A B C D E F G H Aldermaston £1,252.02 £1,460.69 £1,669.36 £1,878.03 £2,295.37 £2,712.71 £3,130.05 £3,756.06 Aldworth £1,270.15 £1,481.84 £1,693.53...
Benefits - Request for Reconsideration of a Decision (Documents) for Reconsideration Request for Reconsideration Please note that you will need to print this form in order to sign below Please provide your name and ad...
Business Rates Direct Debit instruction (Adobe pdf files) to your Bank or Building SociIentsytr uction to your Bank or Building Society to pay you’re Business Rate by Direct Dteob piaty by Direct Debit PPle...
2022/23 Council Tax leaflet (Adobe pdf files) Council Tax Guide 2022/23 This leafl et forms part of your Council Tax bill CCoouunncciill TTaaxx A) How we calculate your bill The Valuation Office has pl...
Proposed Fees for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles and Private Hire Operator's Licences 2024/25 your say on our proposed fees.
31A Highways Act 1980 Register catalogue Part 10 (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council section 31A Highways Act 1980 Document Catalogue 31/10/2022 West Berkshire s31A HA1980 Catalogue - Part 10 115.1 Elm Farm Statement 2020 ...
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment April 2013, every Health and Wellbeing Board in England has a statutory duty to publish and keep up-to-date statement of the needs for pharmaceutical serv...