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Find childcare: childminders about childminders, choosing a childminder and where to find providers.
Find childcare: nanny / au pair about having a nanny or an au pair, choosing someone and where to find providers.
Local Offer: encouraging independent travel and information on encouraging and helping young people to travel independently.
Local Offer: Disabled Children's Register Disabled Children Register (DCR) is a secure database which captures information about all children and young people aged 0 to 25 years with special educati...
Local Offer: moving from children's to adult's social care about transitioning (moving) from children's social care to adult social care services.
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) and Assessments (including Annual Reviews) and EHCP and EHC assessments, including templates and forms you can download.
Local Offer: special schools and specialist schools about what special and specialist schools are as well as our local special schools.
Support for sleeping problems on support for families experiencing problems with children sleeping.
Support for benefits where to get further information, advice and support with different types of benefit.
SEND Reform Toolkit SEND Reform Toolkit produced by the Local Authority contains a variety of advice, guidance, templates and information to support the delivery of the SEND Re...