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Review to improve Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) process are now open for the discretionary review of historical CIL payments UPDATE: Applications are now open for the new CIL Householder Review Scheme. ...
How did we do? us know what you think about the services and information we provided
Alcohol and Drug Support to change alcohol or drug use, including local and national support and homelessness support.
Housing advice advice on a range of housing options, including advice for private tenants, older people, people experiencing domestic abuse and care leavers.
Calcot Infant and Junior Schools (Pilot Scheme) What is a School Streets Scheme? Phase One Why we want your views How to take part What happens next What you told us What we did Phase Two Why we want...
Contact the Transport Services Team Berkshire Council's Transport Services team
West Berkshire Council Reablement Service Services help people recover, regain independence and remain at home.
Run a New Working Parent Code Check (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council Early Years Service Run A Working Parent Entitlement Eligibility Check RUN A NEW CHECK The Run A New Check function allows you to check a...
Review Previous Checks (Adobe pdf files) Previous Checks
Expiration Dashboard 24 (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council Early Years Service Using The Expiration Dashboard USING THE EXPIRATION DASHBOARD The Expiration Dashboard allows you to see which childr...