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Pay for a Parking Penalty Charge your Penalty Charge Notice
Apply for a House to House Collection Licence licence is required from the council for any house to house (or other premises) collections of cash, clothing or bric-a-brac.
Register a Hairdresser or Barber Business licence is required to ensure the business complies with heath and safety laws.
Apply For A Hackney Carriage (Taxi) Drivers Licence for the grant / renewal of a licence to drive a Hackney Carriage vehicle within the District of West Berkshire.
Apply for a Hackney Carriage (Taxi) Vehicle Licence to West Berkshire District Council for the grant / renewal of a licence to use as a Hackney Carriage within the District of West Berkshire
Apply to Join the Community Panel your opinion on issues of local importance
Appeal Against a Parking Penalty Charge you feel you shouldn't pay a Penalty Charge Notice you have received
Complete a Designated Teacher's PEP Submission designated teachers to submit information in advance of a Personal Education Planning meeting for a child in care.
Refer a Young Carer a referral for a Young Carer (up to the age of 18 years old) who resides in West Berkshire and has a caring role for a member of their family.
Using Data to Combat Depression we're using data from a digital service to combat depression and isolation