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Apply for a Provisional Statement for a provisional statement under section 29 of the Licensing Act 2003
Apply to Transfer a Premises Licence to transfer a premises licence under section 29 of the Licensing Act 2003
Apply for the Review of a Premises Licence Under Section 51 the Licensing Act 2003, anyone that experiences problems from a licensed premises that can be linked to one or more licensing objectives, may be able to s...
Apply for a Club Premises Licence
Apply for a Club Premises Certificate club premises certificate is required for the sale or supply of alcohol and the provision of regulated entertainment in private members clubs such as sports a...
Apply to Vary a Club Premises Certificate holder of a Club Premises Certificate may apply at any time to the licensing authority for a variation of the certificate e.g. modify opening hours, or add ...
Apply for a Minor Variation to a Premises Licence holder of a Premises Licence may now apply for a minor variation to a certificate: These may include small changes to the structure or layout of a premises,...
Apply for the Review of a Club Premises Certificate under Section 87 the Licensing Act 2003, anyone that experiences problems from a licensed premises that can be linked to one or more licensing objectives, may be able to s...
Apply for a Personal Alcohol and Entertainment Licence personal licence allows an individual to sell or authorise the sale or supply or alcohol under the Licensing Act 2003.
Apply for a Gambling Premises Licence the , the council is responsible for issuing licences and permits for activities such as bingo, betting and the provision of gaming machines. West Berkshi...