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Council welcomes withdrawal of Kennet Centre, Newbury planning appeal

Developer withdraws appeal and is discussing a new application with the Council.

Posted by: Communications team on 06 September 2023 10:19
Kennet Centre, Newbury

West Berkshire Council welcomes the decision by developer Lochailort to withdraw planning appeals for redevelopment of the Kennet Centre in Newbury and to re-enter discussions about the site.

Lochailort Newbury Ltd is looking to redevelop the shopping centre but had recently recommenced discussions with West Berkshire Council to understand concerns which led to previous planning applications being refused and what is more likely to be acceptable in a future application. A new planning application for the area, which is being called the Eagle Quarter, is expected to be submitted in the coming days.

Councillor Tony Vickers, Executive Member for Planning, said:

"I am pleased that the developer has reflected on our concerns and those put forward by the local community. It is important we have a plan for the area which helps the town develop in the coming years while protecting the heritage and character which makes the place so special. We are now working with them on what we feel would be more appropriate for the area and in line with the planning policies which are there to guide future development. That application will then be judged on its own merits through the planning process."

Lochailort Newbury Ltd had previously submitted two planning applications and both had been refused by West Berkshire Council as they went against local planning policies. The developer had lodged appeals to the Planning Inspector but these have now been withdrawn.

The planning application, once submitted, will be published on the West Berkshire Council website as are all planning applications are residents and other interested parties will able to read the details and submit their comments on the plan.

Last modified: 06 September 2023 10:36

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