Examples of surface water drainage in urbanised areas

1. Inappropriate discharge
Connections should be direct to infiltration devices, watercourses or surface water sewers. Discharge into highway or combined/foul sewers is not permitted2.

2. Downpipes and gutters
Responsibility of the building owner to maintain.

3. Rain garden (SuDS) connected to downpipe
Responsibility of the building owner to maintain.

4. Surface water sewer connection
Responsibility of the building owner to maintain within the property curtilage (water company responsibility outside of the curtilage or for lateral drainage3).

5. Basement
Property owners' responsibility to maintain and protect.

6. Public surface water sewer
Responsibility of the water company to maintain (when adopted1).

7. Highway Gully and connecting pipe
Responsibility of the Highway's Authority.

8. Soakaway
Owned and maintained by the homes/businesses they are connected to.

9. Groundwater Level
Subject to rise/fall during different seasons and heavy or prolonged rainfall.
1 Some areas within West Berkshire do not have public surface water sewer systems. In these areas most property drainage will discharge to watercourses, or soakaways and the highway will have its own dedicated surface water drainage network.
2 There are a considerable number of cases in West Berkshire where properties have inappropriate drainage. These cases cannot be proactively policed; however, we do encourage residents when made aware of the issue to take appropriate action.
3 For more information please see Thames Water advice here.