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Local Plan Review Regulation 19 Consultation - Responses in Representor Order (A) responses received from each individual / organisation (arranged in alphabetical order) are available to view below. Please note that personal information h...
Concerned About an Adult Being Abused or Neglected? a Safeguarding Concern to get help for adults at risk of neglect, abuse or not being looked after properly
Going into Hospital your stay in hospital
Recycling centre permits: commercial type vehicle permit scheme use at Newtown Road and Padworth Lane Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) for residents who only have access to a commercial type vehicle.
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme about the HAF programme for 2024/25, as well as videos from our 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 programme.
Sack collections and recycling collections for properties with sacks.
Commercial waste have a duty of care to dispose of rubbish responsibly.
Where does your rubbish and recycling go? and where your rubbish and recycling is processed.
Transport Service Changes or Disruption changes to local public transport, links to information about travel disruption and contact details for local bus and train operators.
Live Bus and Train Departures to check live bus and train departure information for local bus stops and rail stations