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The Local Economy out about our local economy and our strategies and initiatives on the Business West Berkshire website.
Register a Food Premises food businesses which operate in the West Berkshire and Wokingham areas must register with Environmental Health
Register as a Scrap Metal Dealer businesses that fall under the new definition of a 'scrap metal dealer' must have a licence from the council to operate.
Sponsor a Roundabout about advertising your business on roundabouts in West Berkshire from our partners,
Town Centres and High Streets our town centres and high streets to meet the needs of existing and future residents and businesses.
Sustainable Warmth FAQ Document (Documents) and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) and funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)....
Town Centre Governance The overall objective of the strategies is to ensure the long-term vitality of our town centres for residents and businesses.
PPP - Public Protection Community Fund Eligibility Criteria (Adobe pdf files)£7,500. All Grants will be determined by the Committee as part of their routine business, therefore applications will be considered at...
Shop Local Shop Green 2022 (Adobe pdf files) This Christmas “The Council has been working hard on supporting sustainable businesses within the District as this is a key way...
Emergency Preparedness - Are You Ready? Leaflet (Adobe pdf files) preparing for emergencies Prepare Prepare Prepare yourself your community your business 1 Contents 21 Transport emergencies 5 Introduction...