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Your Questions Answered: Car Parking (Adobe pdf files) are car parking charges being reintroduced? Parking charges were originally suspended to help support key workers during what was the most intense period of...
Licence to Carry Out Works on, in or over a Highway - Section 115E information about and apply for a licence to carry out work to roads, pavements, public rights of way, off road footpaths and verges
View roadworks and road closures a map of roadworks, including those of utility companies, and find information about road closures.
Transport - Smarter Choices Strategy (Adobe pdf files) Transport Plan 2011-2026 Smarter Choices Strategy Contents Page 1 What are Smarter Choices?..................................................................
Virtual Dispensations Terms and Conditions (Documents) & CONDITIONS FOR DISPENSATIONS A dispensation authorises a vehicle(s) to temporarily park in contravention of a Traffic Regulation Order. A dispensation a...
Dispensation Terms & Conditions (Documents) & CONDITIONS FOR DISPENSATIONS A dispensation authorises a vehicle(s) to temporarily park in contravention of a Traffic Regulation Order. A dispensation a...
West Berkshire Car Club (hire a pay-as-you-go car) out information about our pay-as-you-go Car Club in West Berkshire.
Licence to Temporarily Deposit Building Materials on the Highway - S.171 Licence information about and apply for a licence to deposit building materials on roads, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
Apply for a Pavement Cafe Licence about applying for a Pavement Cafe Licence, the documents you need to submit and our application form.
Bus Stops and Shelters and maintenance of bus stops and shelters