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Parking Permits and services relating to parking permits, including paying for a virtual permit and parking dispensations and suspensions
Parking Dispensations and Suspensions about parking dispensations and suspensions and how to apply
Pay by Phone Parking of parking charges by mobile phone
Information About Blue Badge Disabled Parking about the Blue Badge disabled parking scheme
Payment for cycle training council offer a range of courses to support the district with access to cycle training. It's never too late or too early to learn! Cycling is a life skill a...
Concessionary Fares - Disabled Residents Bus Pass Application Form (Adobe pdf files) Concessionary Fares Scheme Application for Disabled Residents Travel West Berkshire Council Concessionary Fares...
Licence to Locate a Crane on a Highway for a Section 178 licence to locate a crane on a highway
Apply to carry out works on, in or over a Highway - Section 115E to carry out work and/or place objects or structures on, in, or over a highway under Section 115E of the Highways Act 1980
Report an Abandoned Vehicle an abandoned, dumped or untaxed vehicle
Report a Problem with Permanent Traffic Lights or a Road Crossing us know about a problem with permanent traffic lights or a road crossing.