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Stay Well in Summer - Top Tips prolonged hot weather (a heatwave), the main risks are: Dehydration (not having enough water) Overheating, which can make symptoms worse for people who a...
MMR and Measles MMR vaccine is a safe and effective combined vaccine. It protects against 3 serious illnesses, measles, mumps and rubella. These highly infectious condition...
Reviewing Council Decisions and Performance role of scrutiny in monitoring and examining decisions and performance.
Scrutiny Annual Report 2023-24 2024
WBC CIL bid form 24-25 (Documents) CIL BID FORM 24-25 WBC CIL bid form 24-25 WBC CIL bid form 24-25
CIL bid guidance notes 24-25 (Documents) BID GUIDANCE NOTES 24-25 CIL bid guidance notes 24-25 CIL bid guidance notes 24-25
Berkshire West Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021- 2030 public engagement report (Adobe pdf files) WEST HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY 2021- 2030 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT REPORT Berkshire West Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021- 2030 public engagement repor...
Free school meals and pupil premium to apply for free school meals at participating schools and information about pupil premium
Council Finance - Budgets budgets from 2010 to date
WBC Validation Checklists - Consultation Cover Letter (Documents)* 4 August 2023 To whom it may concern Development & Regulation Council Offices Market Street, Newbury Berkshire, RG14 5LD Our Ref: Your Ref: Contact Centre: 01...