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Replacement Minerals Local Plan (RMLP) for Berkshire (Adobe pdf files) D .a.111A:..,,n1 "'~;y~~$ The Roya l Borough (.' ~ Slough BOROUGH COUNCIL COU H Cll ~~ Joint Strategic Planning Unit Replacement Minerals Local Plan for Berk...
Reabling digital transformation our Reablement Service adopted digital technology and processes The Reablement Service delivers homecare support to residents discharged from hospital. It's...
Greening Campaign have partnered with the Greening Campaign to help provide a tailored framework of climate action for our parish and town councils.
Find your local environmental group our aDoddle environment map to connect with your local environmental group.
West Berkshire Community Forums are back! are re establishing Community Forums
Opening date for Northcroft Lido has been announced transformation of Northcroft Lido, Newbury, is now complete and has an official opening date. The transformation of Northcroft Lido, Newbury, is now complet...
Community Forum Blog us as we bring back community forums.
Faraday Road Community Forum first Community Forum was held last Thursday evening. Residents gathered to engage in a positive discussion about the proposed sports provision at Faraday R...
Family Hubs Registration Form hubs registration form.
Aldermaston Wharf Lifting Bridge is being refurbished. Berkshire Council will be undertaking major refurbishment works on Aldermaston Wharf Lifting Bridge