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Nigel Lynn to step down as Chief Executive of West Berkshire Council Chief Executive will be appointed in early November
Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Monitoring and Response Service Leaflet - Our Charges (Adobe pdf files) Enabled Care (TEC) Monitoring and Response Service Our Charges - What will you pay? The equipment is supplied free of charge, provided we agreed you ...
Contact the School Appeals Officer details for West Berkshire Council's School Appeals Officer.
Project helps to deliver improvements to Kennet and Avon Canal towpath seeks to deliver improvements for a wide range of users West Berkshire Council is delighted to be working in partnership with the Greenham Trust , the C...
Stories That Inspire the stories that inspire.
Guidance Notes - Charging for Non-Residential Care - Large Print (Adobe pdf files) NOTES CHARGING FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL CARE LARGE PRINT Guidance Notes - Charging for Non-Residential Care - Large Print Guidance Note for Service Users - ...
Infection Control Grant Funding Allocation (Adobe pdf files) ALLOCATION Infection Control Grant Funding Allocation table detailing grant allocation
A_Collaborative Working with Commissioning (Adobe pdf files) Working with Commissioning Information Sharing The Commissioning Team have access to the Risk Matrix, Provider Intelligence Database and List of V...
Report a Problem with Ice, Snow or a Salt Bin a problem with ice and snow, or problems with salt bins.
Find Adult Social Care Policies and Procedures index of Adult Social Care policies, procedures and information