Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP)

Improving our rights of way network and general access

The purpose of West Berkshire's Icon for pdf Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) [266KB]  is to make an assessment of how well our rights of way network, and general access to it, meets people's needs. It also sets out proposals for how we could improve things. 

Many of the objectives in the ROWIP are deliberately wide in scope, to give us flexibility in our approach and our priorities as time goes on.

Developing and Reviewing the ROWIP

West Berkshire's first ROWIP was adopted on the 27 May 2010. We are now reviewing the ROWIP to meet the requirements of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, which states that the plan must be reviewed every ten years.

The existing ROWIP is still in force until the new ROWIP is adopted in 2023.

In 2005, consultation was carried out for the first ROWIP. Many requests for specific improvements and new paths were also submitted by the public and other interested parties. These are recorded on the WBC Online Map.

Where new paths are suggested, we will only try to create these where there's an opportunity to do so. We would also enter into a full consultation with the owners of the land where the footpath would be created.

You can find existing ROWIP documents at the bottom of this page.

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