Draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2025-2030
Have your say on our draft policy.
Consultation status Open - 58 days leftBackground
West Berkshire Council is responsible for issuing licences in respect of:
- vehicles used as hackney carriages (taxis)
- vehicles used as private hire vehicles
- drivers of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles
- operators of private hire vehicles
The overarching aim of the council when carrying out these licensing functions is to protect the public by ensuring vehicles are safe and fit for use, and that drivers and operators are suitable people to undertake these roles.
In July 2020, with a view to better protecting children and vulnerable adults, the Department for Transport (DfT) issued new statutory guidance to taxi and private hire licensing authorities, called the Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards, which required local authorities to review, revise and update their relevant policies.
The Statutory Standards document sets out a framework of policies that licensing authorities must 'have regard' to when exercising their functions. These functions include developing, implementing, and reviewing their taxi and private hire vehicle licensing regimes.
How we developed our draft policy
The policy is based on a number of legislative requirements, including the provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and the Town and Police Clauses Act 1847.
In developing the policy the council will comply with its duties under the Equality Act 2010 and the Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Act 2022.
The Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards (November 2022) provides guidance on how hackney carriage and private hire vehicle licensing authorities must use their licensing powers to protect children and vulnerable adults.
The Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022, makes it mandatory for licensing authorities to access vital background information about drivers seeking a hackney carriage/private hire vehicle licence in their areas. This will support the work of councils to ensure anyone using a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle is kept safe.
A previous iteration of the draft policy was consulted on, but not adopted, in 2022 and some of the comments received have been included in this iteration of the document.
Why we want your views
It's by hearing from local people that we can make the changes needed to ensure our policy is fit for purpose and reflective of the needs in our local area.
We'd therefore like to hear the views of all relevant stakeholders, including the taxi trade, council colleagues, public sector authorities, residents, councillors, parish and town councils, businesses, groups representing people with protected characteristics, and night-time economy groups as the taxi and private hire trade is an important element of dispersal from the local night-time economy's activities.
We'd like to hear from members of the local community who make use of taxi and private hire vehicle services in the area.
We'd like to understand if you think that our policy provides suitable standards of protection for children and vulnerable adults, vehicle emission standards, requirements for training, or if there is anything else of relevance to this document that you would like the council to consider.
How to take part
If you'd like to comment on our draft policy, you can do so by:
- emailing PPPConsultations@westberks.gov.uk
- writing to Mrs M Fraser, Public Protection Partnership, Theale Library, Church Street, Theale, Berkshire, RG7 5BZ
All comments must reach us by midnight on Sunday, 18 May 2025 if they are to be considered as part of the consultation. Please include "Draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2025 -2030 consultation response" in the subject line/header.
Any personal information you choose to provide will be kept confidential and used in accordance with our
.If you've any questions about the consultation, please email PPPConsultations@westberks.gov.uk
For general questions about Taxi licenses, please visit our webpage.
What happens next
All feedback will be taken into consideration and used to refine a final version of the policy which will be considered for adoption by elected members at a meeting of the Licensing Committee on Monday, 7 July 2025.
Once the policy has been approved it will be published on our Strategies, Policies and Plans webpage.