Parks and Countryside Maintenance and Management

The Countryside Service provides opportunities for people to access and enjoy the West Berkshire countryside. Our aim is to protect, conserve and manage our valuable and popular countryside areas for the benefit of both wildlife and people.
You can find further information about the Countryside Code on the GOV.UK website. Please also see the video from DEFRA relating to the Countryside Code and Coronavirus.
Parks, Playgrounds and Open Spaces
Information on our award-winning parks and open spaces
Respect our Parks and Open Spaces
Find out more about our Respect Our Parks and Open Spaces campaign that was launched in June 2021
Countryside and Commons Management in West Berkshire
Commons, country parks and nature reserves management in West Berkshire
Village Greens and Commons Landowners Register
Registering land as a village green or common
Concerned About a Rough Sleeper?
Connecting rough sleepers to local services using StreetLink
Nature Discovery Centre
Education about the countryside and nature at the Nature Discovery Centre. Now under the management of Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT)
Nature Reserves
A list of Nature Reserves managed by Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) across all three counties
Report a Problem with Parks and Countryside
Report a variety of problems relating to parks and countryside, including play areas and open spaces, graffiti and trees.