Bereavement and Grief

Information and advice for people who are bereaved and need information on where to go for help and support

Our aim is to ensure that anyone who is grieving can find support and help they need. It is normal to feel sad when someone close to you has died, and we all have our own ways of processing grief, but some people can get very sad or even depressed. This level of sadness usually reduces over time but that doesn't mean you care any less about the bereaved person. Remember, there no right or wrong way to grieve.

Support for people who are bereaved

If you are recently bereaved or are struggling with grief, it is important that you can talk with people who can support you such as family or friends. You could also contact a bereavement support organisation such as Cruse Bereavement Support.  If you have been experiencing any of the following, then it could be time to seek professional support from your GP: not sleeping properly, avoiding social contacts and usual routines, misusing alcohol or other drugs, having trouble focusing, feeling tired, having trouble eating or over eating, persistent negative thoughts or suicidal thoughts.  

If you don't know who your GP is or if you need to register for one, you can find out how to do that here: NHS - Find a GP


Self-help for coping with grief

  • eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water
  • let people know how you feel
  • stay active
  • try relaxation techniques
  • find out outlet for your emotions, this might be writing down your emotions in a journal or notepad as a way to process them; or you could use a voice recorder (or app on your phone) and record an audio diary; or maybe you could take photos
  • avoid alcohol and drugs, especially if you are feeling low; if you are planning on drinking, do it in moderation

Specific support for different types of loss

Whether you have lost a baby, child, teenager, partner, parent, carer, sibling, friend or pet there are a number of organisations that can offer advice and support depending on your type of loss.

General bereavement support

Cruse Bereavement Support  - leaflets, free telephone helpline

Sue Ryder - website resources, facilitated groups, 'Grief Kind Spaces' drop-in sessions, online counselling (up to 6 free sessions)

Samaritans - 116 123 (free from any phone), 0330 094 5717 (local call charges apply)

The National Bereavement Service - a not-for-profit company offering free practical and emotional support through a helpline, email or webchat, signposting to other services where appropriate

At a Loss - provides self-help for bereaved individuals, assistance for professionals and those offering support, and wellbeing for employees

The Good Grief Trust - online information

Support organisations for those who have lost a baby or child

Daisy's Dream - support for children and young people and their families affected by bereavement, pre-bereavement support, bereavement support, training for schools

Barnardo's - support for children and their families

Berkshire Sands support group - support for people who have been affected by the loss of a baby; main support group is held on the last Tuesday of every month in Windsor; contact

The Willows support group - support for parents who have lost babies, before, during or shortly after birth; meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at the Beansheaf Community Centre, Calcot; contact

Support organisations for those who have lost a partner

WAY - Widowed and Young is a UK charity that offers a peer-to-peer support network for anyone who's lost a partner before their 51st birthday

Support for those who have lost a pet

Blue Cross provide a free and confidential helpline, webchat, email and Facebook group. Contact them on 0800 096 6606 between 8.30am and 8.30pm or email 

Support for those who are bereaved by suicide 

Any who is bereaved by suicide can find more specific advice and information this page:

Support available from local Faith groups

Methodist Churches Together - Course: The Last Taboo. Course: The Bereavement Journey (the first six weeks are non-faith based, so suitable for all, with the seventh bringing in faith.) Runs at Thatcham Baptist's church. Visit for more information.

Barnabas - A support group for the bereaved. The group meets weekly on Wednesday morning from 10am - 12 noon in the Church Centre at St Mary's, Church Road, Shaw cum Donnington. Initial enquirers are asked to contact the Church Office by leaving a message on 01635 40450 or emailing:

Support for anyone who is supporting a bereaved person

If you know someone who is grieving, you might find it hard to know what to do, what to say or whether you should say anything or not to them. If you are in this situation, acknowledge their loss, and give the person a chance to talk about the loss. Listen to the bereaved person and support them in the way that works for them. Try and avoid comparing the persons grief with anyone else's and accept the persons emotions without judgement. If the person doesn't want to talk, sitting in silence for a while is fine.

Support for mental health

If you feel like you need more help for your mental health, try speaking to your GP or download our Icon for pdf Online mental health service directory June 2023 [3MB]  

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