Changes to Executive at West Berkshire Council
Councillor Justin Pemberton was appointed Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration

At last night's Executive meeting, 13 February, Councillor Justin Pemberton was appointed Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration.
Councillor Pemberton is currently the Executive Member for Public Safety and Community Engagement and is adopting this portfolio on behalf of Cllr Louise Sturgess who is stepping down. Councillor Sturgess is sadly stepping down to concentrate on work and family commitments.
Cllr Louise Sturgess said:
"It's been a pleasure and a privilege to have been the Executive Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, but sadly I am not currently able to give the role the time and attention it deserves. I will still be working hard on behalf of West Berkshire residents through my role as Ward Member. I know that Cllr Pemberton will do a great job and wish him every success."
Speaking of his new appointment, Cllr Justin Pemberton said:
"I look forward to taking up the Economy and Regeneration portfolio and to following in Louise's footsteps. I hope to bring it the experience and knowledge I have gained through the Public Safety and Community Engagement portfolio. West Berkshire is a great place to live, work and visit, and I can't wait to deliver on some of the exciting things we have planned for the district. Whether that's engagement with local businesses and developing our workforce, regenerating our urban centres, diversifying the rural economy or improving economic opportunities for all our residents, an economically resilient community will also be a thriving one for generations to come and that is what I hope to help achieve."
Cllr Jeff Brooks, Leader of West Berkshire Council said:
"I am very appreciative of the great work Cllr Sturgess did whilst portfolio holder. We can already see evidence of this in the inclusion of Newbury in the national Paddington Trail, the capital grants awarded to small rural businesses and the development of the Peace Garden at Newbury Wharf, all of which will help stimulate the local economy and make the district an attractive place for residents and visitors. We are sorry to lose Louise, but happy to know that the portfolio is in good hands with Councillor Pemberton."