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Baby, its cold outside...

23_Baby, its cold outside

23_Baby, its cold outside

Weather can be unpredictable at the best of times, but winter weather can stop us from getting out and about and it's worth making sure you're prepared for severe weather, especially storms, ice or snow.

Some of us are more vulnerable to the risks posed by cold weather. Age is often a factor, with babies and children under the age of 5, people aged 65+ and those with disabilities, health conditions or impairments being most at risk, along with pregnant women.

As the cost of living continues to rise, many of us are finding it difficult to afford to heat our homes as much as we need to and anyone experiencing homelessness is particularly vulnerable. 

There are a number of health risks associated with cold weather such as respiratory illnesses - COVID, flu and bronchitis, cardiovascular issues - heart attack and stroke and accidental injuries from falls, and much less commonly, hypothermia. 

There are some things that can help yourself and others stay well in winter. This includes getting your flu vaccination, keeping warm over the winter months and making sure your home is safe. 

You can contact NHS 111 if you have an urgent medical problem and are not sure what to do. In an emergency, go to A&E immediately or call 999

There are lots of ways to save energy in your home, and you can call the government helpline on 0800 444 202 to find out more. If you're worried about a relative or elderly neighbour, contact us on 01635 551111 (office hours) or call the Age UK helpline on 0800 678 1602 (8am to 7pm every day).

Check your heating, cooking appliances and alarms are safe. Contact a Gas Safe registered engineer on 0800 408 5500 or visit 

Find out more at about keeping warm and well on our website

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