Who are we... introducing our Youth Council representative from Newbury College
About us Rabya: Family business "Taj of India and Red Peppers".
About us Harry: I work with my dad marketing products for him.
College Experience: I really enjoy being at Newbury college, I find the environment very welcoming and find the teachers very easy going and friendly whilst also teaching us what we need to know.
Course: They give us lots of opportunities, such as work experience/placements, student council. They give us opportunities outside of the classroom as well in half-terms.
Experience with youth council: Voted on a logo through zoom, and we picked the one we did because it stood out more.
Achieve: Being able to have input in what happens around the area. For example wanting more shops for a younger audience such as children or teenagers or more variety of activities for teenagers. Rent prices for commercial buildings. More space for businesses externally.