Proxy vote and postal vote renewal
Refreshing the signatures held for postal or proxy votes.

Voting by post and by proxy
If you know that you won't be able to get to the polling station on polling day, you can vote by post or ask someone you trust to cast your vote for you, which is called a proxy vote.
Changes to voting by post and proxy
You can now apply online to vote by post and for some types of proxy vote. You also need to prove your identity when applying, by providing your National Insurance number.
There are limits to how many people a voter can act as a proxy for. This means you can only act as a proxy for two people living in the UK. If you act as a proxy for people living overseas, you can act as proxy for up to four people but only two of these can be based in the UK.
These changes apply to UK Parliament elections, including by-elections and recall petitions, local elections and Police and Crime Commissioner elections.
For more information visit or call their helpline on 0800 328 0280.