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Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury; we do not accept any new face-to-face claims for Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax reduction within 30 minutes of our closing...
Housing support and advice the first step next step scheme, discretionary housing payment (DHP), council tax reduction and home improvements and adaptations.
What the Council does and role of the Strategy Berkshire Council provides over 700 statutory services for our residents and businesses. Our residents rely on us to: ensure older...
West Berkshire Council Weeknotes #80 this week's blog we continue to reflect on the Ukraine crisis, Council Tax bills, and the Bus Improvement Plan Since our last update,...
Fees and charges 2014--15 Resources Directorate (Adobe pdf files) and charges 2014-15 Resources Directorate Land searches Council tax Business rates Professional feesLand charges, Local searches...
Fees and charges 2015-16 Resources Directorate (Adobe pdf files) and charges 2015-16 Resources Directorate Land searches Council tax Business rates Professional feesLand charges, Local searches...
Household Waste Recycling Centres - Application Form for a Commercial Type Vehicle Permit (Adobe pdf files) commercial type vehicle at the HWRCs, this must be the only vehicle registered at your address for which you pay council tax to West
PCC leaflet 2024/25 (Adobe pdf files) TAX 2024/2025 Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes and Oxfordshire Your PCC As your Police and Crime Commissioner, it is...
Spending Leaflet 2025/26 (Adobe pdf files) you know Council Tax makes up more than half of Our spending plans for 2025/26 the funding we receive each year? Here is where our...
Spending Council Leaflet 2025-26 (Adobe pdf files) you know Council Tax makes up more than half of Our spending plans for 2025/26 the funding we receive each year? Here is where our...