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Phase 3 - West Berkshire Transport Assessment for Newbury Racecourse and Sandleford Park (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Local Development Framework Phase 3 Newbury and Thatcham West Berkshire Council February 2010 QM Issue/revision Issue 1 Revision 1 Revision 2 Rev...
Infrastructure Delivery Plan (2010) Appendix B - Preferred Infrastructure Schedule (Adobe pdf files) Infrastructure Delivery Plan: West Berkshire Council WEST BERKSHIRE CORE STRATEGY INFRASTRUCTURE DELIVERY PLAN SCHEDULE 3: PREFERRED INFRASTR...
Transport - Road Safety Strategy (Adobe pdf files) West Berkshire Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 Road Safety Strategy 2 3 Contents 1 Introduction and Overview 5 1.1 The Council’s Role in Road Safety 5 1.2 St...
West Berkshire Council's Annual Economic review for 2017/18 (Adobe pdf files) Development Annual Overview 2017-2018 For any further business information contact Economic Development on 01635 519475 or email bryan.lyttle@westberks...
ID4 - Rule 6 - GPC Opening Statement by Tony Vickers (Adobe pdf files) Opening Statement by Cllr Dr Tony Vickers (on behalf of Greenham Parish Council as Rule 6 Party) Madam, if you wish for it to be shown on screen, I have produ...
Council responds to Secretary of State's intervention on Local Plan expresses disappointment at the intervention and expands on reasons for proposed withdrawal. West Berkshire Council has responded to an intervention from...
CD1.1 Covering Letter (Adobe pdf files) May 2020 Our Ref: OJ/16.159 Jake Brown Esq West Berkshire Council Market Street Newbury RG14 5LD Dear Mr Brown Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amend...
CD2.29 Housing 5820 (Adobe pdf files) Rendered Document M E M O R A N D U M To: Niko Grigoropolous Case Officer Our Ref: From: Lynn Robinson Housing Development Officer Your Ref: 20/01238/OUTMA...
Newbury Railway Station: Addendum 1 (May 2020) (Adobe pdf files) Railway Station Improvements Addendum 1 (May 2020) 1 Addendum Report 1: Newbury Railway Station Improvements 1. Introduction 1.1 This addendum report ha...
Phase 1 Transport Assessment Report (December 2020) (Adobe pdf files) Plan Review Transport Assessment Report Phase 1 (December 2020) * Strategy Contents 1. Introduction .........................................................