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Budget Proposals 2025/26: Cease providing the Adult Respite (ARC) in the Community Service us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Create a voluntary charitable contribution (via Council Tax payments) scheme us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Explore options to deliver Adult Social Care (ASC) Resource Centre services through an alternative provider or in a different way us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Increase some Adult Social Care (ASC) fees and charges above the rate of inflation us your views on our proposal.
CD3.8 - Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accom Assess 2021 Update (Adobe pdf files) - Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accommodation Assessment 2021 Update
CD3.10 - West Berkshire Local Plan Review - Written Statement Matter 10 G+T (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council Local Plan Review 2022-2039 Local Plan Review 2022-2039 Examination Written Statement for Matter 10 Gypsy, Traveller & Travelling Showpeo...
CD3.9 - West Berkshire Local Plan Review 2022-2039 PQs 34 and 35 (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Local Plan Review 2022-2039 Examination Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Inspector: National policy expects strategic policies, as a minimum, to...
CD3.7 - Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accom Assess 2019 (Adobe pdf files) - Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accommodation Assessment 2019
Safeguarding training and events for schools training and events, including Designated Safeguarding Lead Training, for schools and organisations working with young people on the West Berkshire Educati...
Housing out your housing options in West Berkshire, as well as support and advice (including homelessness support), information about affordable housing and our st...