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Compton NDP Decision Statement (December 2021) (Adobe pdf files) Neighbourhood Development Plan 2020-2037 Regulation 18 Decision Statement 3 December 2021 1. Introduction 1.1. In accordance with the Town and Country P...
New pedestrian and cyclist path unveiled in West Berkshire shared path designed for pedestrians and cyclists, connecting Stockcross Village to Newbury. West Berkshire Council has successfully completed Stage 1 of th...
Local Plan Review Proposed Submission Consultation Statement (Dec 2022) (Adobe pdf files) Statement for the Proposed Submission West Berkshire Local Plan Review 2022-2039 December 2022 Contents Page no Introduction 1 Statement of Communi...
Cold Ash NDP Evidence List (Adobe pdf files) OF EVIDENCE DOCUMENTS 1.1 All evidence base documents are available to view on the CAPNDP website: Document website addresses sho...
Close or find an alternative provider to run Willows Edge Care Home consultation (Nov 2023) - EqIA stage one (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council – Budget Proposal 2024/25 Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) - Stage One What is the proposed decision that you are asking the Executive t...
Hermitage Neighbourhood Development Plan (Adobe pdf files) Parish Council Hermitage Parish Council Hermitage Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2039 Pre-Submission (Regulation 16) Consultation Version February 2023 Hermi...
Cold Ash NDP Evidence List (Adobe pdf files) OF EVIDENCE DOCUMENTS 1.1 All evidence base documents are available to view on the CAPNDP website: Document website addresses sho...
Restructure parking fees and charges consultation (Nov 2023) - EqIA stage one (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council – Budget Proposal 2024/25 Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) - Stage One What is the proposed decision that you are asking the Executive t...
CD10.18 - APP18 Summary Lee Witts (Adobe pdf files) Witts (BEng Hons) Sandleford Park, Newbury Proof of Evidence Summary: APP/18 (Flood Risk, Foul & Water Supply) LPA Ref: 20/01238/OUTMAJ PINS Ref: APP/W0340/...
Walking and Cycling Maps and Routes and information helping you to travel by foot and on bike, to help you keep fit, lose weight, reduce traffic, and improve the air quality in your local are...