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Fees and charges 2013-14 - Environment Directorate spreadsheet (Adobe pdf files) - Fees and charges 2013-14 spreadsheet Parking fines Parking fees Parking penaltiesParking tickets, Penalty charges (parking), Traffic warden fines,...
Housing Benefit about Housing Benefit, making a claim, appeals and overpayments.
Kerbo Charge trial across West Berkshire product to help residents without driveways to charge their electric vehicles We are pleased to announce a new trial that will revolutionise how residents...
Residents are invited to participate in the Health Scrutiny Committee your questions to the Health Scrutiny Committee
Faraday Road pitch grand re-opening months of hard work, Faraday Road pitch is now open
Plastic-free July: Tips and Ideas're celebrating Plastic-Free July and have put together an easy list of small ways to make changes in your everyday life.
Final destination? onboarding project has finished, but is it the final destination for this work?
West Berkshire Directory information on service and providers for adults and families across West Berkshire, as well as our Local Offer.
Work Experience at West Berkshire Council're committed to supporting everyone to reach their full potential
Design and Access Statement for Listed Building Consent (Adobe pdf files) BUILDING DESIGN ACCESS STATEMENT Design and Access Statement for Listed Building Consent Design and Access Statement for Listed Building Consent