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School streets: Francis Baily Primary School (Academy) out about the consultation and implementation of our Francis Baily Primary School Streets Scheme.
Planning pre-application advice service our pre-application planning advice service before making a planning application can help things go more smoothly.
Reducing your waste and advice on how you can reduce and reuse your waste.
Electric vehicle charging points in car parks and information of West Berkshire Council-owned charging points for electrical vehicles.
Community Champion Awards - 2021 Winners Community Champion Awards are an opportunity to say thank you to people who have done something special for their local community and honours those individu...
Ordinary watercourse consent guidance notes follow this guidance to help avoid delays in your application. Applicant details This is the name of the individual, organisation or company applying for...
Other support for armed forces communities from charities, government and other supporting organisations are set out below in relation to a number of military and other charities.
Negotiation and amendments during a planning application about negotiations and amendments that can happen whilst a planning application is being considered.
REPF Business Grant Scheme eligibility criteria and guidance information about the REPF business grant scheme eligibility and further guidance - it is essential you read this before making an application.
West Berkshire Historic Environment Record Access and Information Terms and Conditions document sets out the purpose and content of the West Berkshire Historic Environment Record, how to access information, the charging structure and conditio...