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Search results
Becoming a childminder out about becoming a childminder in West Berkshire.
Examples of surface water drainage in urbanised areas Inappropriate discharge Connections should be direct to infiltration devices, watercourses or surface water sewers. Discharge into highway or combined/foul s...
Charging schedule, rates, instalments and paying Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule, charging rates (including indexation), instalment policy and how to pay.
About Freedom of Information (FOI) on the Freedom of Information requests process.
Five Ways to Wellbeing your 'five a day' for mental health and wellbeing.
Community Services the areas of Leisure Services, Libraries & Cultural Services, Building Communities Together, Public Protection and Emergency Planning
Chargeable development types under Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) types that are liable under Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
Sharing is Caring you share your home and life with someone who needs care and wants to be part of a family? You could become a Shared Lives Carer. Meet Ann and Jamie. Jami...
EHA Consultancy for Local Councils and CCGs up an Emotional Health Triage (EHT) or Emotional Health Academy (EHA) in your local area
West Berkshire Climate Conference 2019 hosted a Climate Conference on Monday 28 October at from 10am until 4pm.