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Responsibilities: ditches and riparian owners and guidance on the responsibilities of 'riparian' owners.
Registering a Death is required by law that you must register a death in the district in which the death occurred within five days, unless the Coroner is involved.
Tackling Flooding: Our commitment to protection and preparedness understand that flooding has been a significant challenge for many residents. We're working hard to play our part in preventing flooding and to support our c...
Keeping West Berkshire moving: Better reads, safer journeys! are dedicated to enhancing the way we deliver services, with a strong focus on improving and maintaining our highways infrastructure. Our ongoing efforts hig...
Planning pre-application advice service our pre-application planning advice service before making a planning application can help things go more smoothly.
About the Building Communities Together Team are a team of officers from West Berkshire Council who work to support the Building Communities Together Partnership, which is the Community Safety Partnersh...
Recycling centre permits: car permit scheme about our car permit scheme for our recycling centres, including which vehicles are allowed and how to register.
Your district in facts and figures data for West Berkshire wards and district.
Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report - June 2024 This annual report celebrates the achievements of partners across the health and care system in West Berkshire over the previous year. 2023/24 marked t...
Garden waste collection service about our garden waste collections, including how to subscribe, charges, and cancelling your subscription.