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Enforcement Procedure (Public Rights of Way) (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire District Council Environment Department Enforcement Procedure for Public Rights of Way - procedure and timescales for dealing with interferences ...
Public computers, WiFi and printing the library computers, WiFi, printing and copying facilities
Local Access Forum - January 19 agenda (Documents) AND WEST BERKSHIRE LOCAL ACCESS FORUM Wednesday 30th January 2019 2 - 5pm at COLEY PARK COMMUNITY CENTRE, 140 WENSLEY ROAD, READING, BERKS. RG1 6DW AGENDA A...
Local Access Forum - 21 Feb 2018 agenda (Documents) AND WEST BERKSHIRE LOCAL ACCESS FORUM AGENDA Wednesday 21st February 2018 Council Chamber Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street Reading, RG1...
Local Access Forum access to the countryside through the Mid and West Berkshire Local Access Forum (LAF)
Community Action on West Berkshire Council Open Space for community groups interested in environmental improvements, such as tree and bulb planting, on council owned land.
Agenda MWBLAF SEP 2020 (Documents) AND WEST BERKSHIRE LOCAL ACCESS FORUM Wednesday 23 September 2020 2pm - 5pm Via Zoom AGENDA Presentation by Laurence Heath 13.30 Access Component of Neighbo...
Local Access Forum - September 2016 minutes (Documents) AND WEST BERKSHIRE LOCAL ACCESS FORUM Minutes of meeting of the forum held at Dinton Pastures Country Park, Hurst. Wednesday 21st September 2016 at 2pm. Pre...
Rights of Way - Capital Projects happens to issues that have been reported to the Rights of Way team? How we asses them and prioritise action.
Hampstead Norries (Haw Farm) - Footpaths, Bridleways and Byways (Adobe pdf files) Farm Airfield was a satellite airfield for the main airfield at Harwell. Building started in 1938 and it was commissioned in 1940. It was used mainly for th...