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AWE Burghfield Site Declaration (Adobe pdf files) Burghfield Site Declaration
AWE Public Information booklet - 2023 (Adobe pdf files) Emergency Preparedness and Public Information Regulations What you should do if there is a radiation emergency at the AWE Aldermaston or Burghfield si...
Rural England Prosperity Fund ‘Village Hall and Community Building’ Grant application form (Documents) application form for the Rural England Prosperity Fund ‘Village Hall and Community Building’ Grant (Microsoft Word).
Business Rates Appeals against the rateable value of your property.
Town Centre Governance have three Town Centre Strategies for Newbury, Thatcham, and Hungerford, which are all based on extensive public consultation and stakeholder involvement. Th...
Designated wheelchair-accessible hackney carriages (taxis) and private hire vehicles of wheelchair-accessible taxis and private hire vehicles in West Berkshire (downloadable PDF file).
Flood Booklet (Adobe pdf files) Be prepared! This leaflet outlines who is responsible for reducing the risk of flooding and what you need to do to protect yourself and your property f...
Environment Strategy Progress Roadmap 2023/24 (Adobe pdf files) of new ultra-low emission bus First phase of on-street EVCPs installed First anniversary of food waste service linking Newbury – Harwell - Didcot under n...
Your Home Emergency Plan (Adobe pdf files) Home Emergency Plan Being prepared and writing down some important information now, can help you be more ready for an emergency if it were to occur, and ca...
Care Quality that care providers are delivering a good service.