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Apply for a Student SmartCard for Student SmartCard explains more about how we use the data you give us on this form. Please do not complete this application form unless you have been...
Apply for or Renew a Blue Badge benefits for disabled people with severe walking difficulties or those who are registered as severely sight impaired.
Pay For Your Blue Badge for your approved disabled parking badge
Apply for a Virtual Residents Parking Permit virtual parking permit for residents or visitors to be used in a controlled parking zone
Report Your Parking Problems us about blocked access, parking in restricted areas, parking on pavements, parking in places that might cause danger or other parking problems.
Pay for a Parking Penalty Charge your Penalty Charge Notice
Appeal Against a Parking Penalty Charge you feel you shouldn't pay a Penalty Charge Notice you have received
Car Parking and services related to car parking, including details of West Berkshire car parks, parking charges and permits
Parking Enforcement and services related to parking enforcement, including paying and appealing a penalty charge notice and traffic regulation orders
Parking Season Tickets parking season tickets available in council car parks