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Interim SA / SEA Appendix 4: Detailed SA of draft policies (Adobe pdf files) 4 Detailed Sustainability Appraisal of Draft Policies 1 SP1: Spatial Strategy Options: The revised spatial strategy needs to set out...
Interim SA / SEA Appendix 1: Consultation responses received on the 2018 SA Scoping Report (Adobe pdf files) Sustainability Appraisal Report - West Berkshire Emerging Draft Local Plan Review to 2037 (December 2020) Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Consultation...
Interim SA / SEA Appendix 2: Baseline information (Adobe pdf files) Sustainability Appraisal Report - West Berkshire Emerging Draft Local Plan Review to 2037 (December 2020) Appendix 2 Appendix 2 – Baseline...
Rural businesses benefit from grants totalling £160,000£160,000 from West Berkshire Council to help boost the local economy and promote sustainability. Small rural businesses can apply for grants...
Fuelling a greener future: West Berkshire's waste collection vehicles Council is pleased to announce a major step forward in our commitment to sustainability - all our waste collection vehicles that are...
Saved Policies - OVS5 - Environmental Nuisance and Pollution Control (Adobe pdf files) 5) 1.12.1 One of the key objectives of Structure Plan Policy OS1 in seeking sustainable development is to minimise pollution. This approach...
Saved Policies - TRANS1 Meeting the Transport Needs of New Development (Adobe pdf files) Policy TRANS.1 sets out a parking supply and management approach that promotes sustainable transport choices and is consistent with...
Stratfield Mortimer NDP SEA & HRA Screening (Adobe pdf files) IAH Supplementary Planning Document – Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report West Berkshire Council Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood...
6. Design Guidance (Adobe pdf files) 4 A Layout and movement B Landscape strategy C Architecture D Sustainability...
CD7.14 SA SEA Nov 2022 (Adobe pdf files) West Berkshire Local Plan Review SA/SEA Environmental Report November 2022 1 Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment...