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Council Tax Charges 2021/22 (Excel documents) Name @ A B C D E F G H Adult Social Care £75.64 £90.77 £105.90 £121.03 £136.16 £166.42 £196.68 £226.93 £272.32 ROYAL BERKSHIRE FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE ...
Your Council Tax Guide 2021/22 (Adobe pdf files) How we calculate your bill The Valuation Office has placed every property into one of eight valuation bands A to H. These bands were determined on 1 April 19...
Council Tax Charges 2021/22 (Excel documents) Precept @ A B C D E F G H Aldermaston £1,069.81 £1,283.78 £1,497.73 £1,711.70 £1,925.66 £2,353.59 £2,781.51 £3,209.44 £3,851.32 Aldworth £1,086.90 £1,304...
Police and Crime Commissioner Council Tax 2021/22 leaflet (Adobe pdf files) A bout us Council Tax Thames Valley Police has a long history of delivering For further information about the PCC’s Police 2021/22 productivity savings ...
Council Tax Spending Leaflet 2021 (Adobe pdf files) TAX SPENDING LEAFLET 2021 Council Tax Spending Leaflet 2021 Council Tax Spending Leaflet 2021
Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Council Tax 2021/22 leaflet (Adobe pdf files) TAX 2021/22 What You Pay and What We Provide INTRODUCTION The Fire Authority has a legal duty to tell you how much of your council tax money is required...
Sandleford Park - Landscape and Visual Assessment (Adobe pdf files) Park, Newbury Landscape and visual assessment October 2009 Sandleford Park, Newbury Landscape and visual assessment WYG Environment Planning Transpor...
House Extensions Supplementary Planning Guidance (2004) (Adobe pdf files) Extensions Supplementary Planning Guidance July 2004 60º 60º House Extensions Supplementary Planning Guidance Contents 1. Introduction 2. Key Principles 3...
West Berkshire Economic Development Strategy 2013-2018 - Summary (Adobe pdf files), DEVELOPMENT, STRATEGY, PLAN, SUMMARY West Berkshire Economic Development Strategy 2013-2018 - Summary Summary of West Berkshire's Economic Development...
Market Street - Newbury Planning and Design Brief Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Appendices) (Adobe pdf files), SUPPLEMENTARY, PLANNING, DOCUMENT, MARKET STREET, NEWBURY, APPENDICES Market Street - Newbury Planning and Design Brief Supplementary Planning Document (SP...