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Environment Strategy 2020-2030 (Adobe pdf files) 2020-30 1 Environment Strategy 2020-2030 2 STRATEGY 2020-30 1. Foreword 3 2. Introduction 5 3. Context 7 4. Our Vision for the West Berkshire Environme...
Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) (2013) (Adobe pdf files) IDP Page 1 of 59 West Berkshire Council Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan March 2013 Page 2 of 59 Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Legislative and policy contex...
Transport - Freight Strategy (Adobe pdf files) West Berkshire Local Transport Plan Freight Strategy November 2014 2 3 Contents 1 Introduction and Overview 4 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 Structure of the Document...
ID59 - Draft Suggested Conditions LPA and Appellants v10 24.05.21 (Adobe pdf files) Word - Draft Suggested Conditions LPA and Appellant v10 24.05.21 DRAFT SUGGESTED CONDITIONS – SANDLEFORD APPEAL Appeal Ref: APP/W0340/W/20/3265460 Sit...
CD8.25 - West Berkshire Environment Strategy (2020-2030) (Adobe pdf files) 2020-30 1 Environment Strategy 2020-2030 2 STRATEGY 2020-30 1. Foreword 3 2. Introduction 5 3. Context 7 4. Our Vision for the West Berkshire Environme...
CD5.2 - Council Statement of Case (Adobe pdf files) Statement of Case Local Planning Authority Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Section 78 appeal against the refusal of planning permission Appeal: APP/W0...
Cold Ash NDP Regulation 14 Feedback (Adobe pdf files) Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Regulation 14 Pre- submission Consultation Feedback Contents 1. Newbury Town Council 1 2. National Highways 9 3. H...
CD18.2 Basingstoke and Deane (2018) ‘Landscape, Biodiversity & Trees SPD' (Adobe pdf files), Biodiversity and Trees SPD Landscape, Biodiversity and Trees Supplementary Planning Document December 2018 Landscape, Biodiversity and Trees SPD Fore...
Health and Wellbeing in Schools Hub - March 2020 (Adobe pdf files) Psychology Service Primary and Early Years Wellbeing and Recovery June 2020 Returning to settings/school following Covid-19 Activity Booklet WELLBEI...
Wellbeing and Recovery Guidance for Primary Schools (Adobe pdf files) Psychology Service Primary and Early Years Wellbeing and Recovery June 2020 Returning to settings/school following Covid-19 Activity Booklet WELLBEI...