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Draft West Berkshire DA strategy 2023-2027 for consultation (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire DA strategy 2023-2027 WEST BERKSHIRE DOMESTIC ABUSE STRATEGY In accordance with part 4 of the the Domestic Abuse Act (2021) CONTENTS What is dome...
Hermitage Design Guidelines & Codes (AECOM, 2022) (Adobe pdf files) Design Guidelines and CodesDesign Guidelines and Codes Final ReportFinal Report September 2022September 2022 This document has been prepared ...
WBC Draft ROWIP 2023-2030 Evidence Report 1 - Network and Needs Analysis (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan - Evidence Report 1 Network and Needs Analysis July 2023 West Berkshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2023 – 2033...
Berkshire (including South Bucks) Strategic Housing Market Assessment (GL Hearn, 2016) (Adobe pdf files) (including South Bucks) Strategic Housing Market Assessment Berkshire Authorities and Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Final Repor...
CD17.25 Affordable Housing Viability Study by Dixon Searle Partnership 2020 (Adobe pdf files) BERKS AHVA DSP18569 Dixon Searle Partnership Elm House, Tanshire Park Shackleford Road, Elstead, GU8 6LB For: West Berkshire Council Aff...
CD18.11 - Ballantyne and Pickering (2015) 'Differences in the impacts of formal and informal recreational trails on urban forest loss and tree structure' (Adobe pdf files) Pre-print version Please cite as Ballantyne, M. and Pickering, C.M., (2015) Differences in the impacts of formal and informal recreational trails on urban for...
CD20.12 - Chapter 4 Proposed Development (Adobe pdf files) Park, Newbury Environmental Statement 2017.013.004c Page 4-1 4.0 Proposed Development 4.1 Introduction In accordance with the requirements of Schedul...
CD13.1 - 15.02300.OUTMAJ Decision Notice – Refused (Adobe pdf files) Rendered Document TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 Boyer Owen Jones 1B Oak Tree Court Mulberry Drive Cardiff Gate Business Park Cardiff Wales CF23 8RS Ap...
CD22.5 TAF Burghfield Matter 3 Statement to Local Plan Examination (Adobe pdf files) BERKSHIRE COUNCIL LOCAL PLAN REVIEW 2022-2039 EXAMINATION WRITTEN MATTER STATEMENT – MATTER 3 REPRESENTOR: 464187 Prepared by Pro Vision on behalf of T A F...
West Berkshire Council’s expectations of schools concerning their arrangements for children with SEN and Disabilities (SEND) (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council’s expectations of schools concerning their arrangements for children with SEN and Disabilities (SEND) SEN & Disabled Children’s Team / Sc...