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Ordinary watercourse consent guidance notes follow this guidance to help avoid delays in your application. Applicant details This is the name of the individual, organisation or company applying for...
Other support for armed forces communities from charities, government and other supporting organisations are set out below in relation to a number of military and other charities.
West Berkshire Council Housing Grants and Loans Policy (Adobe pdf files) Grants and Loans Policy Contents 1. Purpose ...............................................................................................................
Emergency Preparedness - Are You Ready? Leaflet (Adobe pdf files) Valley Local Resilience Forum Are you ready? A guide to preparing for emergencies Prepare Prepare Prepare yourself your community your business 1 Content...
Cycle and Motorcycle parking guidance note for consultation (August 2014) (Adobe pdf files) and Motorcycle Advice and Standards for New Development Guidance Note - Draft for Consultation August 2014 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Residential develop...
West Berkshire Vision 2036 - Evidence Base (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire 2036 The Evidence In ‘West Berkshire 2036’ we explored what makes West Berkshire a fantastic place to live, work and learn as well as our challen...
CD6.7 Cycle and Motorcycle Advice and Standards (Adobe pdf files) and Motorcycle Advice and Standards for New Development November 2014 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Residential development 3. Non-residential development 4...
Draft Council Strategy 2023-2027 (January 2023) (Adobe pdf files) Council Strategy 2023-2027 Forward Together For Consultation (January 2023) 1 West Berkshire Council – Draft Council Strategy 2023-2027 for Consultation (...
CD11.9 Proof of Evidence - Trees (Adobe pdf files) Proof of Evidence Countryside Service – Tree Team Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Appeal against Refusal of Planning Permission Appeal: APP/W0340/W/22...
West Berks MWLP - Main Mods Appendix - Final (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council, Minerals and Waste Local Plan, Inspector’s Report October 2022 1 APPENDIX Recommended Modifications to the West Berkshire Minerals and W...