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Apply for Assisted Waste Collection for elderly or less able residents who struggle to put their rubbish and recycling out on collection days
West Berkshire Council Weeknotes #68 first topic for this fortnight's week note did not take much consideration. The words extraordinary and unprecedented have been used so often in the context...
West Berkshire Council Weeknotes #66 mark his retirement, Chief Executive Nick Carter has used his final Weeknote to reflect on his 24 years spent at West Berkshire Council. I joined West Berksh...
West Berkshire Council Weeknotes #67 you will remember from our last weeknote, we said goodbye to our Chief Executive of 16 years, Nick Carter, earlier this month. We're pleased to have recruite...
Waste Reduction the rubbish we put in our bins
Report an Issue an issue with litter, fly-tipping, abandoned vehicles and more.
Graffiti Removal to report incidents of graffiti and request their removal
Dead Animal Removal to request the collection of a dead animal on the public highway
Abandoned and Unwanted Vehicles to report an abandoned, dumped or untaxed vehicle
Community Clean-ups can loan litter pickers and equipment for clean-up events in your community