Village hall and community building grant

Find out how your community could benefit from grant funding (up to £10,000) to support energy efficiency measures for village halls and other community buildings. These grants are part of the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF).


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The Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) is a capital grant programme aimed at specifically addressing some of the challenges faced by our local rural areas.

The REPF funding the council has been allocated is intending to support works to create new sustainable community infrastructure and to safeguard existing facilities to serve the local community into the future.

With this in mind, West Berkshire Council has introduced a new capital grant scheme aimed at village halls and community buildings. We are particularly keen to support projects which contribute to one or more of the following priorities:

  • promoting decarbonisation
  • improving energy efficiency
  • enabling renewable energy installations
  • helping to improve digital connectivity

The grant funds will help to assist communities across the district on the pathway to net zero, in line with the council's declared Climate Emergency in 2019 (updated to a Climate and Ecological Emergency in 2023).

Eligible organisations can apply for up to £10,000 towards the capital costs of a relevant project.


Eligible areas of West Berkshire, for the purposes of REPF, have been determined by DEFRA. Please check that your project is in an eligible area for this grant.

You can find the details of eligibility on our eligibility and guidance page here.



Icon for doc Download the application form [110KB] .

Potential applicants are encouraged to read more about the REPF and the interventions on the GOV.UK website.

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