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Draft Local Transport Plan (LTP4) Strategy 2024-2039

Have your say on our draft priorities and objectives

Consultation status Archived
Start date: 2023-02-08
End date: 2023-03-22
Results 2024-06-30
Category: Health and Wellbeing, Leisure, Parks and Countryside, Planning and Building, Roads, Transport and Parking

Activity closed.

Draft Local Transport Plan (LTP4) for consultation (Front cover)



As a Local Authority, we have a statutory duty to publish a Local Transport Plan (LTP), which contains a strategy and an intervention plan.

We have made good progress in delivering our current LTP, which was adopted in 2011. However, there have since been major changes that have impacted on transport. The 2021 Census has shown us that the number of people living in West Berkshire has increased, as has the number of people aged 65 years and over. The Covid-19 pandemic brought significant changes to how we live and work, including being able to work from home, and accelerated changes in online shopping. There is also a greater importance being placed on emissions from transport and that of walking, cycling and leisure time for how it helps our physical and mental wellbeing.
We are revising the LTP, making it relevant to the challenges and opportunities we face today and providing a modern transport system for West Berkshire. 

The LTP has been developed in parallel with the emerging Local Plan, and is also supported by a number of strategies designed to help deliver the priorities, including the Icon for pdf Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan [15MB] , Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle Strategy, and the Bus Service Improvement Plan.

Our draft LTP focusses on the following priorities, and the fifteen objectives that will help to achieve them:

  • creating places for people
  • providing sustainable access for all
  • decarbonising transport
  • supporting sustainable growth

How we developed our draft plan

Over the past year, we have worked to understand travel patterns, trends and emerging opportunities. This includes changes up to 2020, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in propensity to access services digitally.

How we travel is influenced by how close we are to the services we need, e.g. shops, doctors and schools, why we need to travel, and the quality of transport and digital infrastructure to allow us to get to where we want to go. Our draft LTP takes into account the different travel needs of the people who live, work and learn in our district, and we have grouped the district into the following three place types:

  • Newbury and Thatcham
  • Rural areas and villages
  • Eastern area

Strategic road and rail corridors, e.g. mainline railway and M4, which play an important role for businesses and residents, will also be considered in the LTP.

The draft LTP sets out how the priorities and objectives can be achieved for each place type, by taking the individual needs of the communities into consideration. 

You canIcon for pdf read our draft LTP [1MB] and the  online.

Why we want your views

We would like your views on our draft plan. We want to know if you think that we are focussing on the right areas, and if there is anything we have missed.

How to take part

If you'd like to comment on our draft LTP, please complete our survey by midnight on Wednesday, 22 March 2023. It should take about 10-15 minutes.

If you have any questions about the consultation, please email our Transport Policy Team on

You can find out more about our Transport policies on our dedicated Transport page.

Keep up to date with environment news, by signing up to our e-newsletter.

What happens next

Your feedback will be used to shape the final LTP and a detailed action plan, which will be considered by elected members by spring 2024.

Following this, the final strategy will be published on our Strategies, Policies and Plans webpage and on our Local Transport page.

What you told us

Thank you for taking part.

What we did

For information on our Local Transport plan, please email our Transport Policy Team.

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