The Current Local Plan

The Local Plan forms part of the Development Plan for West Berkshire.

It is a long-term strategic document used by West Berkshire Council to set out its vision and a framework for the future development of the area. Each local authority is required to have one, and to review it every five years. You can read the current West Berkshire Local Plan - which covers up until 2026 - here.

Having a Local Plan ensures that we have the necessary housing, land and infrastructure in place to meet the changing needs of our population for future years. It helps us to meet the district's housing targets and to make sure that houses are built in the most appropriate places. It also helps to address other important issues including protection for the environment, conservation and supporting our towns and villages to thrive.

The Local Plan is prepared by West Berkshire Council in consultation with local communities. It is currently in the process of being reviewed to cover the period until 2039 and further details can be found here. This review is termed the 'Local Plan Review'. 

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