Priority Area: 3. Tackling the climate and ecological emergency
Priority: 3. Tackling the Climate and Ecological Emergency - goals and key milestones/initiatives
3.A. West Berkshire Council to achieve net zero by 2030 and improve biodiversity
3.1. West Berkshire Council achieves net zero by 2030, with clear targets and regular independent audits
3.1.1. Install solar panels, proper insulation and efficient lighting and heating systems in council-owned buildings and other assets
3.1.2. Grazeley Solar farm going live by the end of the 2024 /25 financial year
3.1.3. Ensure the use of low/ zero carbon energy tariffs wherever possible
3.1.4. Convert the Council 'light' vehicle fleet to Electric Vehicles
3.1.5. Review and update the Council Environment Strategy and plans in 2024, so that we can confirm further initiatives with timescales and their expected impact. The new strategy will include increasing biodiversity
3.2. Over time, Council properties are enhanced to meet a newly agreed environmental standard
3.2.1. Agree an environmental standard for Council properties to meet, and then develop a pipeline of assessments and upgrades to meet this new standard. The standard to be agreed in 2024, and then investigate funding options
3.B. Help our residents and businesses to save money and the environment
3.3. Residents have opportunities to switch to greener energy providers at lower cost, through group switching schemes
3.4. Residents have opportunities to install solar panels and other clean energy systems, through group purchasing schemes
3.5. Support the move to electric vehicles by expanding the number of Electric Vehicle charging points where needed, and allowing residents to use council car parks to charge their cars overnight
3.6. All Car Club vehicles to be electric by end 2027
3.C. Help to make the whole of West Berkshire net zero
3.7. Residents and businesses contribute to achieve net-zero carbon emissions for the District
3.7.1. Use West Berkshire Council's purchasing power to encourage the reduction of carbon emissions in the wider community, updating all our procurement policies to reflect this. The future carbon impact will become a key aspect of tender assessments, with bidders being encouraged to aim for carbon neutrality, and required to report the actual levels achieved. Implement in 2024
3.8. Increased level of waste reused, recycled or composted at home, from public spaces and through our recycling centres
3.8.1. Conduct a full review of kerbside recycling with the aim of increasing what can be collected. Providing grants and officer support to set up recycling clubs, for items not recycled at the kerbside
3.9. The green bin charge to be phased out
3.10. Increase education around recycling and its benefits, by working with schools and communities
3.11. More opportunities for Active Travel in the district
3.11.1. Trial an extension to pedestrianisation hours in Newbury town centre
3.11.2. Create an Active Travel Plan in 2024 with clear vision and annual targets. This will subsequently form part of the updated Local Transport Plan
3.11.3. Focus on walking and cycling in transport plans
3.11.4. Create a plan with annual targets, to provide new / additional secure bike storage at key locations, e.g. bus stations and busy high density residential areas and flats
3.12. Our transport providers are converting their fleets to Electric Vehicles
3.12.1. Work with our transport providers to convert their fleets to Electric Vehicles
3.13. Create a West Berkshire Sustainability Hub, to help deliver communications between residents, communities, environmental groups and businesses on how everyone can do their part in helping West Berkshire on its path to a healthier future whilst also improving outcomes for the ecology
3.14. Protecting and enhancing West Berkshire's natural beauty (e.g. our Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty), working collaboratively with the Government and other local authorities and organisations
3.14.1. Fulfill our legal responsibilities to the watercourses in the Council's ownership
3.14.2. Using the power of the Council, wherever possible, to hold Thames Water to account over continued sewage discharges into our watercourses, blocked sewers and leaks in our district
The Priority 3 visual strategy
To view the Priority 3 strategy in full, please download our accessible PDF file.