How far? By GA Whittaker

GA Whittaker , 16 October 2023 09:44

A refugee elegy.

Life's refuse?

No excuse.....


How far can I walk in a day

And then keep walking into the night?

How far is far enough away,

And to safe sanctuary's gateway?


To keep together and family, 

Walking and talking, planning.

Onto a new place, our tragedy

Of exhaustion and apathy.


Then we stop, camp and respite.

Count and take account

Of how far we have come,

And check around, what reception?


Pushed off, and away again.

Along the roads and long paths.

Hear the guns, bloodstain,

Wounded, flags and gangs.


How far can I walk in a day? 

How far is safe and a meal,

A drink, a blanket, pray

That tomorrow we can stay?


A refugee has no home left.

Blown apart in bomb, hole, cleft.

So I keep walking and ask,

'When can we stop, or ever go back?'


A refugee elegy.

Life's refuse?

No excuse.....

Last modified: 16 October 2023 09:45

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